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Top 10 Contact Center Outcomes of Conversational AI

If you’re among the many who have been introduced to conversational AI recently, you’ve probably been a) enlightened by the technology’s impressive abilities, and b) left wondering “what next?”  

We hear you. Conversational AI has made huge strides to become the automation solution of choice for both customers and contact center leaders. Its ability to interact naturally with humans to completely resolve consumer issues and excel across channels for a seamless customer experience, places it at the cutting edge.

But the benefits conversational AI provides in improving customer interactions are just the tip of the iceberg. Zooming out, here are 10 of the most unexpected business outcomes that contact center leaders can realize after they choose to implement a conversational AI like Replicant’s Thinking Machine. 

1. Speed-to-value

When contact center leaders think of technology implementations, they often picture months- to year-long endeavors that require constant management to get a solution to the finish line. We don’t blame you. But conversational AI isn’t a code-heavy or from-scratch undertaking. Contact centers can expect to hit milestones with ease because conversational AI comes purpose built for customer service.

Replicant’s Thinking Machine includes models already trained on customer service data and it’s deployed faster across any use-case with Replicant Powers. It seamlessly integrates with existing contact center solutions, provides enterprise-grade security, and is production-ready within weeks without waiting on heavy customization timelines.

2. 24/7 availability

Consumers have made their feelings clear: they’re tired of waiting. One of the most important benefits of a fast conversational AI implementation is that your consumers can start interacting with your brand to get resolutions to their issues immediately. With conversational AI, contact centers can provide full issue resolution around the clock, through weekends and holidays, without paying premiums for off-hour agent support, or outsourcing to costly BPOs.

Replicant’s Thinking Machine scales up or down when you need it, to be there when agent availability is low and calls spike unpredictably, regardless of volume. Customers can trust that their brand of choice will be available to solve their problems whenever and wherever it’s most convenient for them, without ever waiting on hold. 

3. Game-changing analytics

When complemented with the right platform, conversational AI provides out-of-the box analytics that don’t simply show the success rates and dispositions of customer interactions, but help contact centers optimize their operations as a whole. Instantly searchable and automatically tagged by intent, customer interactions flow directly into user-friendly dashboards for easier management and greater visibility.

This makes it easy to QA full conversation transcripts and view insights like what’s working, where there’s room for improvement, and easily test and edit in Conversation Builder. Replicant makes it simpler than ever for contact centers to surface previously unsupported conversation flows, introduce new ones, and continuously improve scripts to better serve customers. 

4. Efficient agent collaboration

Conversational AI doesn’t succeed in a vacuum, and certainly doesn’t aim to take the place of live agents. The technology thrives at handling both straightforward and complex tier-1 requests, as well as ensuring that agents are set up for success with context when calls require human intervention. 

Contact center agents can expect to benefit from automatically generated call summary notes in instances where escalation takes place and callers are pre-authenticated to get to the heart of customer issues faster. With greater collaboration, agents are freed from handling repetitive tasks, and empowered to focus on using their creativity and empathy to resolve top tier customer issues.

5. A back-office all-star 

The Replicant Thinking Machine goes beyond “talking the talk”; it acts like any high-performing agent and integrates seamlessly with the most commonly used systems. Its ability to authenticate callers, open service tickets, update customer information, close cases once resolved, and more, only add to the massive efficiency gains contact centers receive operationally when they implement conversational AI. Learn more about Replicant Thinking Machine’s integrations here. Trust us, your agents with thank you, too. 

6. Increased customer satisfaction

Our 2021 Contact Center Survey found that 70% of consumers find it harder to reach someone in customer service than before the pandemic. 91% said they have experienced poor customer service in the past 6 months. More importantly, 75% of respondents feel that poor customer service gives a negative impression of a brand. 

These statistics are at the core of what the Replicant Thinking Machine solves. Our 100% success rate of conversational AI deployments all boast CSAT scores in the mid-to-high 4s (out of 5) and build on the trust established by some of the most reputable Fortune 500 brands. For tier-1 requests, the Replicant Thinking Machine even regularly outperforms live agents in CSAT due to its ability to resolve issues quickly, naturally and with zero hold times ever. 

“Our mission is to deliver something high quality and unique for older adults and we want to innovate within our customer service as well. We wanted our customer service to feel seamless and personal without the typical burdens of automated calls like customers repeating themselves, having to wait on hold, or getting stuck in IVR menus.” – E-commerce Replicant Customer

7. Endless expansion opportunities

It sounds simple, but starting small is the key to scaling conversational AI. For example, using conversational AI to provide order information to customers during a busy holiday season can provide value not only in the short term, but also long term. Beyond eliminating hold times for these inquiries during the holidays, contact center leaders might also get insights into new issues that customers are inquiring about.

The Replicant Thinking Machine can be deployed to support immediate conversation flow types like the holiday example referenced above, while surfacing new ones, and eventually function as an IVR replacement. Once you see conversational AI’s effectiveness in one use-case, additional applications will begin to pop up endlessly, driving exponential ROI.

8. Resolution over deflection

Not every conversation is best served by artificial intelligence, and success rates shouldn’t be measured solely on conversational AI’s ability to resolve intended conversation flows. The Replicant Thinking Machine understands this, and is trained to quickly and intelligently pass conversations that are out of its scope to a live agent. 

Too often, customers with an obvious need to speak to an agent are forced to listen to long menus, or are deflected to self-service channels like apps or FAQs that don’t apply to their issue. With conversational AI, contact centers can automate intelligent routing to agents and improve CSAT scores by quickly getting live agents to handle the right types of customer issues.

9. Continuous innovation

Contact centers who adopt conversational AI enter a path of continuous improvement and innovation with a single investment. Replicant’s Thinking Machine not only gets smarter with each of the millions of interactions it performs every month, but is constantly improved with additional functionality. 

Chat, SMS, secure FlexForms, precise geotagging, and multi-language are just some of the capabilities that propel your automation roadmap forward. While you can think of Replicant as your “agent of the month,” our team of experts are your go-to resource for finding additional areas of value to ensure your investment remains a market leader, even as the technology advances.

10. Value for every stakeholder

Conversational AI provides value to all stakeholders including customers, contact center leaders and agents. Customers receive resolutions to their immediate pain points. Contact center leaders drive better customer experiences with better insights through informed conversations. And, agents are empowered to focus on what they do best, resolving high impact customer issues for higher job satisfaction.

Customer service expectations have changed with a world turned upside down by unprecedented challenges, and conversational AI is built to bring value to every touchpoint in the modern contact center experience. 

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