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The Virtual Call Center Software Top Companies Use and Why

As the virtual call center becomes a reality for more and more companies, it’s understandable why contact center managers want to see what software top companies are using before making a decision. The best solution will be one that is easy and fast to implement, contributes to a better customer experience, and increases live agent retention. These, after all, are some of the top challenges that today’s contact centers face in the market today.

What is a virtual call center?

A virtual call center is a contact center that does not need a physical space. Instead, live agents can work from anywhere to answer phone calls, respond to text messages, or answer chat inquiries. It’s one of the modern-day workforce solutions that can cater to the individual’s desire to work remotely as well as reduce infrastructure costs for the organization itself.

The solution that many leading businesses use today is Replicant’s conversational AI platform. Trained on millions of actual customer service conversations, Replicant’s Thinking Machine can effectively answer Tier One customer questions and inquiries with zero wait time and no human interaction. Below are a few examples of our technology in action.

The Travel and Hospitality Industry

The travel and hospitality industry is a perfect candidate for call center automation due to its high contact volume and the repetitive nature of the most common inquiries. It can improve customer success, reduce costs, and create happier agents.

Our virtual call center technology provides businesses like hotels with the additional customer support they need to minimize or eliminate wait times, especially during peak travel and vacation seasons. Instead of building, buying, or renting more physical space, or hiring permanent or seasonal representatives, hotels can use a call automation solution to handle repetitive requests. These requests include booking a room, changing or canceling a reservation, or answering frequently asked questions.

For example, Replicant partnered with a leading hotel management company to deploy the virtual call center solution in about eight weeks. Immediately following implementation, this hotel chain dropped wait times to zero for new reservations. Live customer service agents were instantly freed to focus on complex or unusual customer requests that require human intelligence and empathy.

The Auto Insurance Industry

With more than 228 million licensed drivers in the United States alone, automotive insurance is a big business. Between selling new policies, updating contact information, and handling billing transactions, auto insurance companies are often swamped with customer service inquiries and questions. And customers are getting more impatient with a rising number of hang-ups before call resolution.

Replicant’s virtual call center software solution can automate the vast majority of these requests. This saves organizations time, money, and the need to hire additional agents in a tight labor market.

For example, one auto insurance company with nearly 60 years of experience turned to Replicant for assistance. This 5-star business recognized that its 400 full-time agents were becoming overwhelmed by many repetitive requests that were a regular part of the 5,000 plus calls the company received each year.

Replicant designed a voice solution that automated its highest volume calls, which included policy questions, billing, and payment requests. By providing a clear roadmap, Replicant was able to accelerate this company’s automation plans. In a short 10 weeks, the company achieved a success rate of more than 80 percent in resolving or accurately routing every customer request, which translated to a 4.4/5 CSAT score, more available agents,  and a contact center that could provide 24/7 service with zero wait time.

The Financial Services Industry

Businesses that provide financial services are another major group that can benefit from virtual call center technology. Seasonal demand around tax season can boost customer call volumes to unmanageable levels, and finding trained agents in a tight labor market to fill the gap can be difficult if not impossible.

Many customer calls are repetitive and can be easily anticipated by the financial organization, making these companies perfect candidates for automation. Customers often call for account balances, common transactions, form requests, and contact information updates. Simply providing this basic information upon request can significantly improve the customer experience.

One of Replicant’s customers is ECSI, which has been a leading provider of campus-based student loan servicing for more than five decades. However, ECSI’s customer service teams were regularly overwhelmed during tax season. Until recently, this financial organization hired and trained temporary agents to handle the overflow. However, ECSI found it difficult to accurately predict their call volume from year to year.

They decided to partner with Replicant to provide a more seamless customer experience. In a brief 10 weeks, Replicant was able to help ECSI automate common loan requests, answer Form 1098 questions, and provide refund status updates. Within three weeks, the system scaled to handle 100 percent of the target volume of calls and achieved a CSAT of 4.6 out of 5.0. Soon after, they expanded their solution to automate and handle full loan servicing flows as well.

More About Replicant

If you are looking for a virtual call center solution, our company has a solid track record for improving customer satisfaction and increasing ROI in various industries. Learn how we can create a call center automation solution to help your organization do the same.

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