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The Conversational AI Platform for Businesses

The Conversational AI Platform Your Business Needs

When businesses are looking to elevate their customer service, it’s crucial to look at the technologies defining today’s market in order to maximize ROI. Among the foremost of these technologies is conversational artificial intelligence. With artificial intelligence, businesses can improve the customer experience while making service easier on their end.

Businesses have a wide variety of options to choose from when it comes to contact center solutions. Replicant’s Thinking Machine, a conversational AI platform, is a call center automation solution that is making huge differences across many industries.

What is an Example of Conversational AI?

The term “artificial intelligence” is thrown about a good deal as AI becomes more and more sophisticated. Manufacturers are “exploring new AI applications that span virtually every major industry,” according to an article by McKinsey.

However, let’s clarify exactly what AI is as it relates to the contact center industry. A conversational AI platform is able to fully resolve many customer requests without having to reroute calls to an agent. Conversations containing multiple questions don’t throw it off. This technology is able to increase agent efficiency, transcribe conversations, intelligently track success rates, and self-improve with each interaction.

AI has unlimited scalability. That means call center automation can handle increasing or decreasing volumes easily. No matter how much call traffic a company gets, the conversational AI platform can manage it without increasing wait times. Agents are more available to take on the few calls that can’t be resolved by the machine.

Contrasting a Conversational AI Platform with Traditional Solutions

There’s a night and day difference between AI and traditional routing solutions. Customers are tired of sentences like, “If you’d like to speak to X, press Y.” But, with call center automation, these interactions are replaced by a human-sounding voice that instantly understands the difference between a variety of intents and the relationships between them.

A conversational AI platform can authenticate callers, respond within seconds, and answer multi-intent questions with 96 percent accuracy. Seventy to ninety percent of calls can be resolved completely by AI. Just ten to thirty percent are intelligently escalated to agents who are able to access automatically generated call summaries so customers don’t have to repeat themselves.

Compare that to traditional keypad requests. In a recent article by Forbes, even some modern chatbots were confused “every time a customer initiated a conversation outside the scope of formulated conversations.” Traditional solutions simply can’t compare to AI technology and call center automation.

Improving Data Access With Conversational AI

A Conversational AI platform is contained within a central conversation engine. As a result, it drastically increases efficiency by leveraging all past data to scale across a variety of languages and communication channels. Since it can learn from and remember past interactions, it continues to get better at understanding customers and driving positive customer experiences.

This is why businesses need contact center automation like the Thinking Machine within their contact center. Management teams can get access to conversation summaries, post-conversation analytics, and auto-tagged conversations, helping to drive business goals. They can utilize Google-like search capabilities that make it possible to understand call drivers and gain actionable data.

Conversational AI platforms are game-changers for any contact center. Let us help you change the way you handle customer service. Get started by calculating your ROI and requesting a demo now.

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