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Resolve 2022: How to Realize Value From Contact Center Automation 

Part of what makes Contact Center Automation such an impactful solution is that it’s not a one-size-fits-all software. Unlike IVRs or chatbots, Replicant’s Thinking Machine™️ brings reliability where CX leaders need it – like security, Natural Language Understanding, and real-time analytics – and flexibility where it matters: conversation design, integrations, and personal, branded experiences.

Just as no two solutions are alike, businesses find value from Contact Center Automation in many different ways. Naya Mehta, Head of Customer Success at Replicant, gave an overview of value realization at Resolve 2022 and shed light on the many ROI levers of automation. 

While the below categories are certainly not the only examples of realized automation value, they’re top of mind priorities for most CX leaders and represent key focus areas for the foreseeable future.

Workforce Management

How do you optimize your agents, staff and supervisors in a complex and unpredictable environment? With Contact Center Automation, that answer can become a lot simpler:

  • Seasonality & Spikes Planned and unplanned spikes can happen over the course of  weeks, months, or even a single day. Replicant allows contact centers to be nimble so they never miss orders, lose revenue, or get overwhelmed by demand.
  • Headcount planning Replicant is not in the business of eliminating agents. Instead, contact centers gain the ability to plan for a mix of in-house, outsourced, and automated agents to lower their risk and increase the speed of service across the board. With out-of-the-box analytics, managers can even gain insights to better determine how to deploy their headcount. 
  • Talent management  Your best agents should be on your most important calls and with Replicant they can be. “We’re now open 24/7,” said Mike Bowman, Senior Director, Operations, ECSI. “We used to operate on typical business day hours, and today we probably take about 30% of our overall contact traffic after normal business hours. It’s really taken a lot of the volume out from the normal day and flattened that curve so that agents have a lot less work to do and take their time to work on relationship building with the callers”

Customer Experience

  • Immediate & consistent service It may sound counterintuitive to say that customer satisfaction increases when customers talk to a machine. But today’s customers are used to long wait times or even buried customer service numbers that aim to deflect inbound callers rather than serve them. Replicant has seen CSAT rise in every instance of automation because it’s consistent and reliable. 
  • End-to-end resolution with self-service Customers feel comfortable when they receive simple outbound messages like “your tow truck is on the way,” or “your package is out for delivery.” From start to finish, Replicant helps customer support become an extension of a product or service so customers don’t feel like their transaction ended the moment they paid. The Thinking Machine achieves a 90% resolution rate without escalations on average to build a foundation of trust from the start. 
  • Fast and natural experiences Contact centers are constantly looking for ways to be more accommodating to customer preferences. Replicant understands that if a customer is calling in, they probably don’t want to be directed to an app. Conversely, if they’re chatting with support in an app, they probably don’t want to be told to call a number. Replicant makes it easy to keep conversations natural and frictionless so customers are never inconvenienced. “Most of our callers are millennials,” said Bowman. “What really opened our eyes several years ago is we got a complaint from a college student that they didn’t want to have to talk to us. It reinforced the idea that self-service and automation is a good choice for that particular demographic.” Mike Bowman

Business Process Improvement

  • Eliminate repetitive tasks Mehta’s presentation included an illuminating customer story. Prior to partnering with Replicant, ADP would call all mid-sized customers when they were in danger of missing payroll. As a legal requirement, this call was very important, but also very repetitive. By automating the call and integrating an RPA solution that also sent an email, they cut human work for the process by a staggering 90%. 
  • Boost agent processes From more efficient agent handoffs to more time to improve the agent experience, automation adds value to agent production. “When you have contact centers that are hitting 90-something percent occupancy and it’s call after call after call, even our agents can get a bit salty or crusty,” said one Resolve attendee. “From and end customer perspective, when they do talk to an agent, if that agent is not as overwhelmingly tired because they haven’t had a chance to breathe between calls, I have to expect that the CX on those calls will be better as well.” 
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