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Resolution Guaranteed: How Replicant Removes the Risk from Contact Center Automation

Nine out of ten contact center leaders agree: automation is a critical priority in overcoming rising costs, hiring challenges, and call volume spikes. 

For many businesses, Contact Center Automation has already stepped in to resolve unlimited customer requests where IVRs and chatbots could only deflect or re-route. 

But at a time where 49% of leaders say hiring enough agents is an immediate challenge, evaluating automation can still be a complicated, though important, endeavor:

  • In-house builds require massive time and resource commitments
  • Narrow solutions with limited AI can struggle to adapt to your customers
  • Single-channel options can grow outdated quickly and end up costing more

That’s why Replicant has made the complex simple. With the Thinking Machine™️, contact centers can launch a comprehensive solution and start resolving calls in just weeks – without the headaches. 

Here’s how businesses from healthcare to insurance automate common call drivers like appointments, dispatch, and intake quickly and confidently with Replicant:

1. Industry-leading resolution rates backed by millions of conversations

Customer satisfaction remains the top contact center priority by a wide margin. Contact center leaders need to be sure their automation solution can deliver end-to-end resolution for every request. 

Replicant’s Thinking Machine™️ is proven on years of conversations across a range of industries and use cases. 

The result: a 90% first call resolution rate without agent escalation. This means contact center leaders can be confident that their automation solution will deliver results that lead to positive customer outcomes. 

And, by resolving tier 1 requests using pre-trained models, shared intent libraries, and built-in continuous learning, the Thinking Machine™️ is constantly improving.

2. Risk-free deployment ready to launch in weeks

Replicant leverages expertly architected components and pre-trained models that are ready to deliver natural conversations to your customers when you are. 

Component-driven design means end-to-end conversations can be designed quickly and around any business’ desired call flow. More importantly, it means you can launch a solution without heavy development resources or lengthy testing cycles. 

And when best-in-class voice automation isn’t enough, The Thinking Machine brings the same simplicity to every channel including voice, chat, and SMS as well as seamless channel-switching for more efficient conversations.

3. Infinite complexity simplified with battle-tested conversational design

For all its technological firepower, the Thinking Machine is just as much of an art as it is a science. Replicant brings thoughtful service to every use case, industry, and customer through elegant conversation design that thinks beyond the “happy path.” Contact centers can deploy automation without the guesswork involved in designing conversations from the ground up.

The Thinking Machine:

  • Answers every request immediately, without wasting time on greetings or personification
  • Drives adoption by communicating how it can assist the customer immediately
  • Uses NLU to derive intents from colloquial speak, regardless of language, background noise, or accents
  • Leverages knowledge-based matching to derive intents from context clues like customer history 
  • Easily repairs conversations when customers need to correct themselves or ask a different question

4. Rapid time-to-value with measurable ROI 

A simple, risk-free deployment doesn’t just deliver automation in weeks, it delivers unprecedented value: the Thinking Machine has cut cost per contact across millions of calls by 50% without sacrificing CSAT.

Contact centers can choose to leverage the Thinking Machine across 100% of a single call type, solely for overflow support, or during after-hours or holidays. But you only pay for what you use. 

And with a user friendly dashboard, managers get valuable insights from auto-transcribed call scripts and advanced analytics.

With Replicant, contact center agents are freed from managing your most repetitive, high volume calls and can instead focus on high-value requests that require creativity and empathy.

For many businesses, agent efficiency, retention, and upskilling represent the most impactful benefits of the Thinking Machine.

5. Security, flexibility and scalability, right out of the box

Enterprise contact centers don’t compromise on security and neither do we. The Thinking Machine is SOCII, HIPAA, PCI and GDPR compliant with regular releases of new features to improve resiliency.

Contact centers can integrate the Thinking Machine with any combination of IVR, CCaaS, CRM, or telephony to enhance, rather than replace, existing systems.

And with built-in scalability and redundancies, the Thinking Machine is prepared to handle any amount of demand during even the most unpredictable call spikes. 

Every day, the Thinking Machine™️ helps thousands of customers get the support they need on behalf of some of the world’s most trusted brands. 

With proven components designed to fit the needs of any contact center quickly and reliably, comprehensive automation has never been more in reach.

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