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Replicant Spotlight: Joe Berenz, Senior Manager, Digital Marketing

Tell us about yourself! Where are you located and what was your path to joining Replicant?

Hello! I’m Joe. I live in Chicago and I joined Replicant in January 2022. I was laid off at my job before Replicant and was deep in conversations with other companies to join their team. But a member of the Replicant team sent me a Linkedin about the opportunity. While laid off, I took a “say ‘yes’ to every opportunity” approach. So I took an interview despite being very close to accepting a different role. Right off the bat, I was blown away by the team, the product, and the prospects of the company. So I forgot about those other roles and dove right into joining Replicant.

What team are you on and what are some of the main goals your team is focused on?

I am on the digital marketing team where our main goals are to build demand, create awareness, and grow a community. I specifically do this through our website, advertising, social media, email and other tactics.

What does a typical day in your role look like? What kinds of projects do you work on?

The beauty of working at a company like Replicant is that no day is the same – and that is not a bad thing. There are always exciting new projects and initiatives to work on. But typically, I start the day off working on my own tasks and responsibilities. Come late morning and early afternoon, I meet with teammates for status updates and to collaborate on our joint initiatives. In the later afternoon it is back to working on my tasks and top priorities. It’s a great balance of work time and meeting time.

How does Replicant’s marketing team collaborate with other departments to achieve common goals?

As anyone in marketing and sales knows, it is super important for the marketing and sales team to work very closely – which we do. We have weekly meetings and are constantly discussing tactics and performance. Our product marketing team is super locked in with our product and engineering teams to ensure that we are representing the product accurately in our marketing efforts.

What’s one thing you’ve learned while working at Replicant?

The world is about to change as AI becomes more sophisticated and deployed across businesses and products.

How would you describe Replicant in three words?

  • Bold
  • Innovative
  • Caring

What stands out about the culture at Replicant?

I’ve worked at startups where it is a very intense, chaotic and unorganized environment. The leadership here has us very focused, determined, and aligned. The culture is one where people are seen as people (crazy idea, huh?!?). From top down, everyone is extremely respectful of each team member’s life outside of work.

What has been one of your biggest accomplishments here so far?

I led our website redesign when we rebranded the company in the summer of 2022. I was entrusted to own the entire process. From selecting the agency to writing most of the copy, It was an amazing opportunity to work on.

What advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing a career in marketing at Replicant?

If you like to roll up your sleeves, are curious, and have fun – then you found the right place!

What excites you about the future of AI?

AI is the next great frontier of the technology world. It is exhilarating to be in the early days of the next world changing technology. But don’t take it from me, take it from Bill Gates’ recent blog post. He writes that over the course of his life, he has seen two demonstrations of technology that he deems as revolutionary. The first being the graphical user interface – the forerunner of every modern personal computer. The second being AI. I mean, that is pretty cool right?

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Switch roles with my puppy. Who wouldn’t want to nap, eat treats, and get belly rubs all day?

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