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How Call Center Automation Software Works

Call center technology has evolved over the years from a simple telephone interaction to a complex system designed to not only resolve customer inquiries quickly and efficiently but also to collect critical data to improve the contact center’s overall performance.

Artificial intelligence in call centers makes this automation possible, understanding multiple customer intents and natural language, which means automatic resolution with no hold times or human interaction. This results in higher customer satisfaction scores and greater loyalty, which means that contact center automation ROI is high. 

What is call center automation?

Call center automation is a system that allows a contact center to answer Tier One customer questions and requests with no human intervention through any channel. By using natural language processing, the system can understand normal conversation and deliver answers with zero hold time.

How do you integrate automation in the call center?

Depending on the solution you choose, you should be able to integrate call center automation software into your modern call center seamlessly. Tier One calls can be resolved with no human interaction or wait time while more complex inquiries are expediently forwarded to the right agent with full conversation notes so that no information needs to be repeated.

What are the business advantages of call center automation?

The business advantages of implementing artificial intelligence in call center automation include providing better, faster customer service and resolution on first contact. In addition, automation allows a call center to easily scale when volumes increase while only charging you for what you use when call volumes are lower. Overall, automation has a higher return on investment when compared with outsourcing or hiring more representatives.

A key component of a successful contact center

Automation is a key component of today’s successful contact center. When customers can automate their most common questions and requests, they are not only meeting customer expectations but empowering their agents to focus more time and energy on complex and nuanced issues.

This hybrid approach delivers the right question to the right channel quickly and efficiently. Gartner defines “the enterprise conversational AI platform market as the market for software applications used to build, orchestrate and support the development of multiple use cases of conversational automation, while targeting multiple roles within the enterprise.”

Through this, Tier One calls are handled immediately with no hold times through customer-preferred channels including phone, text, or chat. This frees agents to spend their time helping customers with more difficult questions. If original calls come through the automated call center software, all initial information is passed along to the human agent so that the customer does not need to repeat any information, improving the overall user experience.

The Replicant Advantage

Replicant offers an innovative call center technology solution called The Thinking Machine, which can interact with customers using natural language. Although it’s clear that the caller is speaking with a machine, Replicant’s AI-powered call center automation software can effectively handle a wide range of common questions and problems with no human interaction. When a live agent is required, handoffs between computers and representatives are easier and more efficient.

To learn what this can mean for your organization, take a closer look at contact center automation ROI. Compare your investment to potential returns, and then reach out to Replicant today for more details.

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