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Webinar Recap: Because Overcomes Agent Staffing Woes With Replicant

Overcome Agent Staffing Woes with Omnichannel Contact Center Automation

Recently, we were fortunate to be joined by Kelsey Holshouser, VP of Customer Experience at Because, for a webinar focused on Because’s Contact Center Automation journey.

Because, a marketplace for older adult wellness products, initially implemented Replicant over the phone to resolve high-volume, tier 1 calls with a 90% resolution rate to address their rapid customer growth.

Soon after, Replicant’s expanded omnichannel capabilities were able to help them recreate the benefits of their voice solution over SMS messaging and provide a more consistent customer experience.

The partnership has enabled Because to accelerate their CX goals and overcome the staffing challenges many of today’s contact centers are facing.

Highlights from the webinar, Overcome Agent Staffing Woes with Omnichannel Contact Center Automation, are below. You can watch the full webinar here.

Why Because partnered with Replicant

Because initially implemented Replicant within their voice channel to handle tier-1 calls that had long handle times and created extensive wait times for customers calling in. While Replicant was focused on their voice channel, Because was using another vendor for their text channel, but weren’t getting the results they wanted.

Most days, their backlog of texts from customers needing a response was upwards of 400 and response times could be as long as 12 hours from the initial inquiry from the customer. They needed a solution that would mirror the efficiency they already had within their voice channel.

An omnichannel expansion was an easy decision

After expanding Replicant’s Contact Center Automation to SMS, Because was able to reduce a growing backlog of customer text messages from 400 at a time to 0, relieving agents from resolving repetitive text requests.

Implementation Strategy

  • Order inquiries
  • Account and subscription changes
  • Cancellation and trial retention
  • Cross-selling

Transformational Impact:

  • Texts waiting in the queue at the end of each day have gone from an average of 400 to 0
  • Increased SLA attainment from 10% to 82%
  • 4.74 / 5 SMS CSAT
  • 88% flow level success from week 1
  • Decreased initial response time from 12 hours
    to seconds

But the benefits didn’t stop there. Omnichannel automation allowed Because to focus less on keeping up with swelling customer demand, and more on developing highly-trained agents to be able to handle more complex requests.

Replicant contributes to better-trained agents

While contact centers have long been seen as simple cost centers, Contact Center Automation creates a world in which data, personalized service, and rapid improvement can lead to increased revenue generation and brand-boosting opportunities.

Replicant’s newest omnichannel features have given contact centers a solution that goes beyond IVRs, standalone chatbots, and agent assist technology to help reduce the strain high call volumes have on agents. 

Proactively Meeting Customers Where They Are

The benefits of Because’s partnership with Replicant have gone beyond transformational efficiency gains. While contact centers have long been seen as simple cost centers, Contact Center Automation creates a world in which data, personalized service, and rapid improvement can lead to increased revenue generation and brand-boosting opportunities.

Cross-selling leads to increased revenue generation

With Replicant, contact center leaders can use a single conversation engine to resolve issues across voice, messaging, and other digital channels, giving customers a consistent experience with seamless channel switching across every touchpoint.

They get visibility into omnichannel transcripts in one dashboard, and agents get seamless handoffs for sensitive issues without losing customer context.

Additional Resources

Replicant expands Contact Center Automation solution to every channel.

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