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Autonomous Customer Service – How This Technology Works

When business owners decide to implement AI in customer service, it’s important that they understand the details of contact center automation in order to make an informed decision. Many call center technologies are available, but not all solutions are equal. 

However, regardless of your company’s industry, current automation technologies have the ability to streamline requests and reduce the need for additional customer support agents. Using the right autonomous support can increase ROI and transform your customer service department. This can result in an improved customer experience, happy and loyal patrons, and greater profits.

What is Autonomous Customer Service?

An article by Hubspot points out that the vast majority of Americans look at customer service quality as a factor when deciding whether or not to purchase products or services from a company. However, many businesses don’t have the resources to hire the agents they need in their contact centers. In many cases, a viable solution is automation technology. 

Autonomous customer service is a call center technology that utilizes modern AI to streamline customer requests, increase ROI, and make agents’ jobs more fulfilling and enjoyable. AI in customer service also allows for natural conversations, eliminating the need for keywords or numbers. Solutions like Replicant’s Thinking Machine can learn from conversations and adapt to enhance future ones. 

How Does Technology Play a Role in Autonomous Customer Service?

Autonomous AI technologies are at the heart of call center automation. However, automated customer support isn’t supposed to eliminate the need for live agents. Instead, it is designed to aid them and make their jobs easier, giving them the tools they need to create the best possible customer experience. 

How is Autonomous Customer Service Typically Implemented?

The following are the components of the implementation process.

  • Define the Use Case: Many automation opportunities can be found in use cases that are high volume, prone to spikes, low emotion, and/or low-to-mid complexity. 
  • Conversation Design: The conversation design process defines the structure of communication between a human and a machine, both functionally and technically. 
  • Go-Live: Once deployed, the contact center automation technology can begin resolving customer conversations with minimal training. 
  • Analytics: Replicant offers a user-friendly analytics dashboard that makes it easy to measure results in a meaningful and practical way. 
  • Scaling: Data-based improvement opportunities are used to offload more customer requests during high volume periods.

What Technologies Are Typically Used in Customer Service Automation?

Artificial Intelligence is one of the main technologies that characterize Replicant’s autonomous support. AI in customer service allows for natural conversations with customers who no longer need to say the right words or press specific numbers to communicate. Their requests can also be more nuanced and varied, as autonomous AI has a greater capacity for understanding multiple and unrelated questions simultaneously. Contact center automation technology creates the possibility for machine learning so that the solution will develop and improve over time, with absolutely no agent input.  

“Most leaders can likely identify around eight to 10 domains where AI can transform their business,” said an article by McKinsey. One of those domains, customer service, is where automation and AI technologies can make a great and immediate difference.

What Does a Successfully Automated Call Look Like?

Here’s an example of an autonomous customer service request to show what it looks like in an actual customer scenario.

  1. A customer gets a flat tire and calls his or her insurance provider to request roadside assistance.
  2. Replicant’s Thinking Machine takes the call, confirms the problem, and sends an SMS to accurately locate the customer. 
  3. Replicant places an outbound call to request that a service technician be dispatched to the customer.
  4. Replicant creates a ticket in the CMS and reaches out to the customer with an estimated time of arrival.
  5. The technician arrives, the customer’s car is repaired, and the ticket is closed. No human interaction is needed.

Try Replicant’s Solution

Replicant has been implementing conversational AI to handle Tier One calls, texts, and chats for some of the world’s most trusted brands. Our products are constantly evolving and improving to meet the needs of customers. If you’re ready to increase your company’s contact center automation ROI and improve the overall customer experience, try our autonomous customer service solution. Request a demo now.

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